Copper Carbonate Is Not Cobalt Carbonate…

That title should be copper carb is not cobalt carb dumbass. I was sitting there in my glaze calc software tweaking the recipes I tried in the last kilnload that failed miserably and I chose cobalt carb off the list and started thinking… cobalt, cobalt, cobalt, did I use cobalt? I went down and retrieved my mix sheet and it says cobalt and I went and got the containers that I used and hadn’t put away yet and sure enough I used copper carb instead. There’s something about being in a hurry I guess and I missed my chance to test the glaze before this upcoming load. Que sera, sera. So to compound my mistake I decided to add the cobalt in anyway (slightly less) and see what happens. The bug woke me up this morning saying, hurry, come downstairs and look at Sunglasses’ throwup (she pronounces is fro-up). I said, no I’ve seen throwup, I don’t need to see more. She said, no dad, this throwup is different, you gotta come see. I said, what’s different?… is it blue? She said, no, it’s got bubbles. I said, sugar… I’m not getting up to go look at some puke. She said, pleeeeeaaaase. Etc., etc. Sofia and Mom and I were sitting on the porch eating dinner last night (it was a balmy 65 degrees) and the bug asked Mom to get her another helping of pasta. When Mom went inside, I said to Sofia, what should we get Mom for her birthday? It’s coming up in a month or so. Sofia looks at me and says, an ice cube. I said, an ice cube for her birthday? Then she says, no, a salad. So Mom, it’s gonna be a good birthday this year. We spent some time online the other day and I have to post another new favorite website of Sofia’s called Not sure how I ended up on this video but here you go if you’re a pet lover…

Here’s a bowl from the kiln last weekend…

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12 Responses to “Copper Carbonate Is Not Cobalt Carbonate…”

  1. Alex Solla Says:

    Wondering something for a while… given how much of the claybody you’re able to erode, does all the erosion cause the bowls to warp much? Do you find it affects their survival rate? Do any ever slump? How close to translucent can you get with this shellacking technique? I love the way the patterns grow so organically!

    • jim Says:

      hi alex… i’ve actually never had any problems with warping or loss as a result of the etching. maybe i just lucked out with the clay body. i cannot, however, get any translucency with this body/technique. i have tried it on laguna’s ^6 translucent body and it works wonderfully but i don’t like the stickiness of that body when i’m throwing and it has a greater tendency to crack that the current body.

  2. jeff martin Says:

    that shit is too funny!, your bowls look sweet…..what do you retail those bad boys for?

  3. Varda Says:

    cobalt carb or not, the glaze on these bowels is really beautiful, especially as a contrast to the dark blue-black

  4. liz Says:

    sigh, cobalt. I mixed a bigg batch of glaze last term at the school, put in what was labelled as cobalt oxide, and ended up with an oatmeal pinky beige colour instead of blue. Its prettyish, but I have no clue what it is!

  5. Meredith Says:

    life is full of surprises!
    An ice cube and or a salad…. she either has your sense of humor or she thinks Mom likes ice cubes and salad.
    I did send in the tile.
    Did the bug send anything in?

  6. ang Says:

    oh boy and we call ourselves potters eh? cobalt – copper they both start with ‘c’….

  7. Lifetime Network Says:

    Thanks for the belly laugh revelatory dog.

  8. Patricia Griffin Says:

    Oh, jeez, I read your post and could relate soooo much with the ingredient mix-up. Also, unfortunately, to the dog barf. Just minutes ago, our puppy starting doing the puking thing and coughed up a solid chunk of grass and wood chips. Lovely way to start the day!

  9. gary rith Says:

    super awesome bowl my man 🙂

  10. eugene hon Says:

    Very good question from Alex, re the warping (etc) – one of our 3rd year students (he already has a diploma in Industrial Design) are fascinated with your technique, he is doing Landscapes on slip cast porcelain bowls. He is trying to combine transfers he and his girlfriend are making themselves, He and John is also experimenting with the printers for iron oxide prints on the porcelain. They are also looking at the use of lazers, sandblasting everything possible it seems. He has done these stunning drawings of decaying buildings in a vanishing landscape drawn with abstract expressionistic lines. They are therefore experimenting with the porcelain at a lower temperature to curtail the warping. Should be interesting – the whole experiment.

  11. Andy Says:

    Love the mesmerized aussie! Tell bug to check out this one:

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