Thermocouples And Relays…

What’s this? Digging in the kiln guts again…


I was firing off a bisque and I got a dreaded errd error code which according to the manual means that the actual temperature is more than X (can’t remember exactly) degrees away from the set point. Well, that cleared everything up right away. I guess all I had to do is get those two measurements closer together. After repeated “shazams!” and “voltos!”, I called the controller person who was extremely helpful and two days, two relays and two thermocouples later, I think I’m back in business. The lesson I’m taking away is, if I’m gonna replay relays, thermocouples or elements… I should just replace them all. Duh. In other news we had our beach vacation a week ago or so on St. George Island just off the panhandle of Florida. It was hot and although the forecast said that it would rain everyday, it never rained once. I guess the lesson I’m taking away from that is, don’t pay attention to weather forecasts… duh. Hell, I think I learned that lesson in high school. Anyway, the bug had a great time. She swims like a fish… at least 6 or 7 hours a day. Here’s some beachy pics…





Then one day, this washed up on the beach…


Not sure what it was but it had sand in it’s beard and squinty eyes. Hopefully, I’ll have a glaze firing soon. Sofia’s been drawing like gangbusters lately and I keep taking pics but I had such a backlog that I decided to put all the pics together into one big file (click to enlarge)…


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2 Responses to “Thermocouples And Relays…”

  1. Judi Sapero Tavill Says:

    great stuff!

  2. Amy Says:

    Your girl’s an artist too! She’s precious and seems to be full of such joy.

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