Anyone Know A Good Exorcist…

At first I was joking about having a demon dog but when we got up this morning we experienced our very own shock and awe. At first I noticed some color that seemed to be bleeding through Sunglasses’ white hair but it was undecipherable. Later, we caught a glimpse and to our horror… it seemed as if some evil force was sending us a message that read 666. Oh my! The mark of the beast! Well, in for a penny, in for a pound.


Here’s a closeup.


My friends Roger and Jerry from San Antonio stopped by today. The were on their way back from Chicago doing all things sculptural. Roger teaches sculpture in Texas at San Marcos. Although I didn’t get a picture of Jerry and Sofia, here’s one of Roger playing with her in the sandbox. She was sad to see them go…


Here’s the only picture I have of a recent bronze fountain that they have just installed. It’s difficult in the picture to get a sense of the scale but it’s quite big. I think in the background there’s a chair but not sure…


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9 Responses to “Anyone Know A Good Exorcist…”

  1. gary Says:

    I could use a fountain like that out back!
    That 666 kinda looks like Sofia’s handwriting…..

  2. cynthia Says:

    Hahahaha – got a good laugh when I opened your page and I’m not even done with my first cup-o-joe yet!

    And I thought we had adopted a bicycle manic chasing spawn of the devil…I think you have your hands full with an exuberant dog. I’ll never forget last summer when Danzig was new in our home I cracked the door slightly around 6am to pick up the morning paper or something and he saw a bike rider and took off after him at top speed down our busy street. Me, in pj’s and flip flops chasing wildly after him screaming at the top of my lungs expecting to find a crumpled bike and rider and a big law suit awaiting. Fortunately, I finally found Danzig a 1/2 mile away sitting on someone’s front porch as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile, when I finally walked home, my neighbors were on their front lawns tiredly rubbing their eyes wondering what had happened and I had left the front door wide opened with my 10 year old still sound asleep upstairs. Oy vey. The things we do for our furry friends. Sunglasses will come around.

    If it’s any consolation, Danzig still barks at bike riders, but no longer bolts out the front door. 😉

    Your friend’s sculpture is impressive!

  3. judy Shreve Says:

    Ahhhh – look at that face! How can she be a ‘beast’? She will settle down – but how smart to be able to climb the fence!?

    I have a border collie & the first few years with him were definitely adventuresome.

    The sculpture is amazing!

  4. Barbara Edwards Says:

    She’s wearing that innocent, wounded look, like she’s being unfairly accused. Hah! Believe it or not, our perfect little Gerti was known as Devil Dog for the first 18 months of her life.

  5. Matt Says:

    Say, that really IS a devil dog! The “666” shall henceforth be known as the mark of Sunglasses and shall be synonymous with youthful canine trickery and deceit. So let it be written. But you see her expression? The look that says “hey, I’m not a prop for your amusement… just you wait.” Doh! another excuse to rip the leg off the sofa!

    By the way, I happen to know that your friend Roger has experience with youthful canine exuberance. He seems to have survived unscathed.

    • jim Says:

      mattie muckchucker… how goes it? the mark of sunglasses indeed, i paid ahead of time for her to be my prop.

  6. ron Says:

    Ha. You’re too much man.

    Cynthia. Danzig? As in Glenn Danzig from the Misfits?

  7. Paul Jessop Says:

    In England you could just turn him upside down, and tell the rspca that it’s a reminder to call the emergency services.

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